Bethany on film

Film of the premiere performance, now viewable on You Tube

This musical is based on the New Testament stories about a small family that often welcomed Jesus into their home. The musical was designed for low-budget performance in intimate settings that enable the audience to be part of the action. The setting is a party in the family home, when they retell their experiences in brief sketches. There's just one problem - the audience has arrived before the room is set up!
The first ever performance was at St Michael's Church, Stoke Gifford (just outside Bristol).
This event was filmed and, for many years, was only available on DVD.
Now it can be viewed, in 5 episodes, free on YouTube
(NB It is split into parts because videos on this channel are restricted to 15 minutes).
Follow the links below to go directly to each part, or select the Playlist "Bethany Musical" in YouTube.

Bethany Part 1 Part 1

Bethany Part 2 Part 2

Bethany Part 3 Part 3

Bethany Part 4 Part 4

Bethany Part 5 Part 5

©Derrick Phillips 2018

Home Page - Video - Songs - Script - Staging

The Pilgrims - Index to Derrrick's writings - St Michael's Church, Stoke Gifford